Monday 6/1




5 rounds for time

12 deadlifts (95/65)

9 hang power cleans (95/65)

6 push jerks (95/65)




5 rounds for time

12 deadlifts (155/105)

9 hang power cleans (155/105)

6 push jerks (155/105)



"Heavy DT"

5 rounds for time

12 deadlifts (205/145)

9 hang power cleans (205/145)

6 push jerks (205/145)

At Home

5 rounds for time

12 odd object deadlifts

12 odd object swings

12 odd object shoulder to overhead


Today is a classic CrossFit Hero workout.  If you have done it before see if you can beat your old score.  Pick a weight that you will be able to string reps together on-this workout should be done in 15 minutes or less.  For the at home workout find an odd object that you can hold with two hands for all three movements.  Do the deadlifts with the object between your feet.