Saturday 5/29


Partner WOD

"Is it June Yet??"

2 rounds for time

100 db box step ups (35/20)

100 situps

100 alternating dumbbell snatches (35/20)

Performance & Competition

Partner WOD

"Is it June Yet??"

2 rounds for time

100 db box step ups (50/35)

100 situps

100 alternating dumbbell snatches (50/35)

At Home

Partner WOD

2 rounds for time

100 odd object step ups 

100 situps

100 odd object snatches


For today's partner workout you can break the reps between partners as needed, and one partner will be working while the other rests.  The at home version will have the same format but you will pick an odd object to hold in the goblet position for the step ups and to do the single arm snatches with.