Monday 6/8


Cycle Benchmark

"Don Draper"

10 minute AMRAP

10 squat cleans (95/65)

10 burpees


3 sets

30 second left side plank

30 second right side plank

30 second front plank

Rest 1 minute


Cycle Benchmark

"Don Draper"

10 minute AMRAP

10 squat cleans (115/75)

10 bar facing burpees


3 sets

30 second left side plank

30 second right side plank

30 second front plank

Rest 1 minute


Cycle Benchmark

"Don Draper"

10 minute AMRAP

10 squat cleans (155/105)

10 bar facing burpees


3 sets

30 second left side plank

30 second right side plank

30 second front plank

Rest 1 minute

At Home


10 minute AMRAP

10 odd object squat cleans

10 burpees


3 sets

30 second left side plank

30 second right side plank

30 second front plank

Rest 1 minute


Today will be the cycle benchmark.  This is an opportunity to stretch yourself a little bit and get outside your comfort zone.  Pick a weight that is a little heavier than you would normally pick if you want to test yourself.  We will finish with a core workout where your score will be total time to complete the planks including rest.  For the at home workout find an odd object that you can use with two hands to perform a squat clean.